Sunday, December 13, 2009

"We in our foolishness thought we were wise."

Why is it that, even though as a Christian we are supposed to trust God in every aspect of our lives, we still try to plan it out ourselves. Why is it that we think we know God's plans better than he does? There are times when I think about certain situations and I begin constructing these huge castles in the sky of the way I'd like things in my life to go, only to see them broken down before my eyes in a cloud of humility. And there in the midst of it all is God holding the pieces going, "when are you going to trust me with this?"

It's funny. Because sometimes I think I have trusted God with it, when I really haven't. Or I'll assume, because at the time it makes sense or seems right, that it's what God wants for my life. But sometimes, and most of the time, what God wants is far from what we want.

God knows the desires of my heart. I trust Him. And I'm done being a fool.

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